Today I officially present myself as a Photographer, Visual Artist and Project Manager. I had trouble deciding on a suitable title because of my varied life and work experience. At this moment, this is the most accurate description of what I am about. In the future, things may change.
I undertake photography assignments for products, portraits, art, and architecture. I simultaneously run different art projects in photography, video, sound design, painting, sculpture and ceramics. I take on project management assignments within creative productions and processes. My experience includes developing business, product, process, system, and marketing. My driving forces is to create, develop and nurture.
I’m driven both by projects and by interest. I’m a curious person and when I’m interested in something I zoom in to find out everything there is to know in that area. Usually I transfer skills from previous disciplines to learn new areas. My curiosity and interest in learning new things can often be goal-directed as I am driven by realizing different ideas and creative projects. Connecting new thoughts and ideas with previous experiences. Steve Jobs once defined creativity as ”connecting things”. Innovation occurs when two or more areas come together, and my diverse background allows me to access these essential intersections.
Some time ago I stumbled upon Emilie Wapnick’s TED Talk entitled ”Why some of us don’t have one true calling” with the theme Multipotentiality / Polymath personality. Multipotentialite is defined as someone with many interests and creative pursuits. An ability to thrive in many disciplines, to learn, explore and master new skills which creates the opportunity to bring different ideas together and thus provides a potential to innovate and solve problems.
In recent years, I have reflected on my experiences and my ability to work in different fields. I have such a diverse background and so many different experiences in different areas that I have on occasion found myself needing to explain myself. Much of what was said in Emilies TED Talk and Community, I have figured out on my own, but it has provided me with a sense of clarity and guidance in how to simultaneous prosper in different fields, and how to cope with wanting to do and be everything when you are driven by many passions and head filled with ideas.
Supporting environmental issues has always been close to my heart. That’s why I chose to accept my previous position at GS1 Sweden, a non-profit company that is part of a global organization. My usual approach is to seek out motivational factors that are not limited to financial gain. It’s uncommon to find management projects that combine environmental concerns with creative work. Consequently, I am willing to take on pro bono work. I would love to work on sea-related environmental issues.
The construction of this website will take place in 2024, as I’m occupied with other projects and will be building it myself. The part that will require my time is to evaluate and review all of my previous work. Small releases will be made every month.
<+46 703 010 36 15>
Olaus Magnus väg 24
121 37 Johanneshov